32. Review and the Computer Vision Pipeline

Review and the Computer Vision Pipeline

In this lesson, you’ve really made it through a lot of material, from learning how images are represented to programming an image classifier!

You approached the classification challenge by completing each step of the Computer Vision Pipeline ste-by-step. First by looking at the classification problem, visualizing the image data you were working with, and planning out a complete approach to a solution.

The steps include pre-processing images so that they could be further analyzed in the same way, this included changing color spaces.
Then we moved on to feature extraction, in which you decided on distinguishing traits in each class of image, and tried to isolate those features! You may note that skipped the pipeline step of "Selecting Areas of Interest," and this is because we focused on classifying an image as a whole and did not need break it up into different segments, but we'll see where this step can be useful later in this course.

Finally, you created a complete classifier that output a label or a class for a given image, and analyzed your classification model to see its accuracy!

Computer Vision Pipeline.

Computer Vision Pipeline.

Now, you’re ready to build a more complex classifier, and learn more about feature extraction and deep learning architectures! Good luck and great work!!